Climate variability changes ultimately impacts on agriculture and subsequently food
productivity and security. In Kenya, milk production is predominantly smallholder and
dependent on rain fed agriculture. To ensure that dairy farmers are empowered to effectively
prepare, adapt and mitigate the effect of extreme climate changes, this study aimed at
investigating the effect of climate change on milk production in smallholder farms; a case of
Nandi county, Kenya. Primary data sources of data included observed and climate model


Nuclear forensics (NF) is a systematic and scientific methodology designed to identify, categorize, and characterize seized nuclear and radiological materials (NRM). The aim of NF is to reveal the geographical origin, process/production history, age and intended use of the NRM to prevent future diversions and thefts, thereby strengthening the national security of a country. The limitation in NF at the moment is the absence of suitable methodologies to directly, rapidly and non-invasively analyze limited size of NRM under concealed conditions.


Beef value chain is a major part of the livestock sector in Kenya contributing to food security,
livelihoods and the economy. Beef production mainly takes place in the arid and semi-arid
areas (ASALs) of the country. The value chain is climate sensitive whereby it is drastically
affected by effects of negative climate like droughts and floods. On the flipside, the value chain
is also a contributor to negative climate change through emitted methane greenhouse gas
(GHG) from the produced animals and the value chain by products and/or waste. The beef